ΚΑΤΗΓΟΡΙΑ ΣΚΑΦΟΥΣ | Ταχύπλοη Βάρκα, Εξωλέμβιο Βενζίνη |
ΜΗΚΟΣ (μέτρα) | 5,50 m (με δελφινιέρα) |
ΠΛΑΤΟΣ (μέτρα) | 2.30 m |
ΒΑΡΟΣ (κιλά) | 590 kg |
ΜΕΓΙΣΤΗ ΙΣΧΥΣ | 75 KW , 100 HP |
ΤΥΠΟΣ ΜΗΧΑΝΗΣ | Εξωλέμβια Βενζινομηχανή με Μακρή Άξωνα |
ΑΤΟΜΑ | 8 |
Two- storey console:
1. Wind shield
2. INOX frame (rail)
3. Steering wheel with tie rod-cage
4. Glove compartment (P.V.C) with door
5. Seat with pillow
6. Instrument’s panel
Pilot’s seat with a back and set of pillows
INOX rail (set four pieces)
INOX anchor base with a heavy duty roller
INOX bollards, four pieces
INOX tholes
INOX stairs
Electrical panel with fuse switches for eight locations
General power switch
Mast retractable with one white light and two red
Sailing lights (red-green)
Battery compartment
Location for permanent gas tank (64 Lt ), beneath the console
Independent storage compartments: for the anchor, in the fore, in the aft, in the pilot’s seat
Gas tank (64 Lt – PVC)
Base for backup engine
Sun tent
Pillow set
Console hood
Engine hood
Boat hood